A Question to Ponder – Dragon Ocean Racing checks in!
Last night found us sailing deep under the A4 kite, the surviving sibling of the two Dragon spinnakers. Mild 10 to 13 knot winds and gentle seas made for easy miles. All done under skies so clear we could see every star in the heavens. The beauty is staggering, and mind boggling in its vast scope. It’s also very romantic if you don’t mind your two smelly crew mates who are slightly surly after 3 days of limited sleep and hard work.
So we are in the end game. Sin Duda has well earned a victory by virtue of smart choices and great sailing. Katara and others are invisible on the horizon behind but it remains to be seen what handicapping will do to even the outcome. Meanwhile, Renegade is in sight and matching us for speed and direction. She has the advantage (overwhelming when it comes to handicap outcome) but we are going to fight to the end to see if we can beat her boat for boat.
To the question – dozens of silvery flying fish launch themselves from waves near Dragon, soaring and skipping hundreds of feet through the air. Do they stop being identified as a school and start becoming a flock?